
The playing field of LandPick consists of hexagons (tiles). A player can own a hexagon and put one or more points on it. Empty haxagons are gray.
The aim of the game is to collect as many points and get a large part of the playing field. The ultimate winner can have the complete playing field.

As a Tourist (free user) you may follow the game, but you cannot play it. You can become a Citizen (member) via, which also allows you to play this game.

New player
As a new player you have 10 bonus points which you can use to gain property of part(s) of the playfield. To start playing, you need to put all your bonus points on the playfield hexagons.

Bonus points
Once a day (at a random time) you are given 1 extra bonus point on each hexagon you own on the playfield, regardless of the points on it. The bonus is equal to the number of hexagons you own.

Extra Bonus Signs
At the same time with the bonus points extra bonus signs are placed. For every player there is one sign. The sign is placed at exactly ten tiles from your property. You can only see your own sign.
If you can take over the tile with the sign, you will receive the number of points on the sign. The sign will then be visible for the other players.
Sometimes you can't get the extra bonus points or it is not a smart move even to try to get them. The next time the sign will be on another sign and perhaps you will have more luck then.

How to play?
You can move single points by clicking one of your hexagons and then clicking the destination one; the clicked hexagon will start to flicker and you can click on all adjoining others. If the destination one is empty, it becomes your property. If it belongs to another player, you can attack it. This will cost you as many points as the other owns on that hexagon, plus 1 to take over the hexagon. After 10 seconds the flickering mode stops, you can also stop it by clicking on the initial one.

Moving more than 1 point
On the left lower corner of your screen you see a HUD with 1, 10, 100 and 100%-1 as options. Normally it is set to 1 point. By clicking the other options you can quickly move 10, 100 or all points minus 1 to an adjacent field.
You are not allowed to move the last point on a hexagon you own, or by your move empty someone else’s hexagon.

Game over?
If other players took over all your hexagons, you are seen as a new player and will be given 10 new bonus points. If there still is available land on the playfield, you can claim it. If not, you will have to wait until the 1st of the next month. But you can still advice and encourage others!

Some hexagons are connected to each other via a bridge. You can transfer points from one side to the other. Keep in mind that some bridges are one-way! This is shown with traffic signs.

Secret tunnels
Some hexagons are connected to a secret tunnel. You can click on the tunnel to see where it leads. From such a hexagon, you can move points through the tunnel and put them on the other side.

Colour of your hexagons and name
You can at any moment change the background and foreground colour of the hexagons owned by you. You do this by clicking colours on the colour boards at the beginning and choosing a text colour by clicking one of the “A”s at the entry point.

Top 10
The world contains a Top-10 area. It shows all players, points and hexagons owned, and the top-10 players are shown in a graphical way.
The top-10 is updated every minute

You are in charge of your own best strategy. On the one side you need as many hexagons to get more points, on the other side you will have to defend yourself with points against other players.

Every month!
I expect a game will last for approximately one month. This is the reason we have decided to start each game on the 1st of each month.

Thank you
I would like to thank Atel and Wilma for building the environment of the game. They have, together with Emmanuel, provided the positive remarks and changes needed. Also my thanks to Emmanuel for providing the 3D world.

The game is working as expected, but at some moment the game engine may not be online for short times because of changes. I will also appreciate any remarks and ideas about the game.

Last but not least
I wish everyone loads of playing fun.

Frits Regtien (Fritsr)
© March 31, 2009 by First Software